Tag Archives: The Bridal Suite

Image of the Week ~ 30

The Bridess FlowersThe Brides Bouquet. This is the first of Julie & Steve’s Wedding Photographs. The Wedding took place on the 11th of May, 2013. It took place in the most beautiful scenery of the Isle of Anglesey in a cosy and friendly Inn. The whole day was relaxed yet filled with lots of stories from family members all sat around together, in turn sharing their own stories through word or song. This image was taken in the Bridal Suite, just as Julie the Bride had finished getting ready and was just checking the finishing touches. She rested on the side of the lounger and I captured her posture, form and details. I like to photograph the details, like the bouquet, in action, being used as they were intended to be and what you’ve paid your good money for.  Julie particularly loved this image as the flowers are now longer living so this is her window to them.